After three years of collaborative research with Yahama and the Universitat Pompei Fabra (UPF) Music Technology Group in Barcelona, Vocaloid signal processing was developed. The Vocaloid project began in March 2000 under the name "DAISY". Since an actual human's voice is sampled per voicebank library, more natural-flowing singing elements can be synthesized, including pitch changes, vibrato settings, and other melodic embellishments. However, as the software only handles vocals, additional software is required in order to create musical arrangements that accompany the vocals. With the Vocaloid software, it is incredibly cheap and easy to create expressive music without the need for hiring an actual vocalist. VOCALOID and its shorthand Japanese form, ボカロ are registered trademarks of Yahama Corporation.

Sung lyrics can be created by inputting the melody and lyrics into the software, which then converts into a playable audio file that has been sung by a sampled human voice.Ĭompanies that have accepted a license agreement with Yamaha can produce their own singer libraries that contain sampled sounds and sell them as commercial products in combination with the Yahama software. This reward does NOT include a backstage pass for Nekocon 2016.VOCALOID (hereafter stylized as Vocaloid) is the term for voice synthesis technology that was developed by Yamaha. We will inform you of which concert your UTAU will premiere at. It may take some time for the MMD model to be completed, so please be patient. Should you choose to have your UTAU sing a cover song, it must also be approved by the VOCAMERICA staff, as rights for that song will need to be gained by the producer who original composed it. We request that you send an email to for pre-approval before selecting this reward. You will need to provide front and back artwork of the UTAU in question. (Please Note: your UTAU does not have to have an English voicebank to be featured, however, the voicebank and the UTAU's design will subject for approval by the VOCAMERICA staff.

This MMD model will be made exclusive to you and will not be distributed through our rewards packages (though you may distribute it publicly yourself should you wish).You will have the choice of having your UTAU perform an original song (written by EmpathP) or a cover song. This character will be featured in a future VOCAMERICA concert where it will sing and perform on stage as the opening act. In addition to the rewards from the Platinum Package, you will receive a very special commission from VOCAMERICA's official modeler, Yoistyle, of your original UTAU character.

UTAU Performance Reward Package: Have you dreamed of seeing your UTAU perform live in concert? Well now you can.